Education Moore Exotics


Black Neon Tetra

Black neon tetra


A black neon tetra can grow up to 2 inches in length.

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

Black neons feature two horizontal stripes, one black and one blue-white, along the length of their bodies. The rest of the body is a light grayish brown, with a brilliant orange half-circle at each eye’s top. In small schooling fish, as in many other species, it can be challenging to distinguish between males and females. When observed from above the tank, females may appear larger and more rounded than males.

Keeping and Care as Pet

Black neon tetra fish

  • Tank size

A small school of black neon tetra can be kept in a tank with a capacity of 20 gallons. The fish exhibit their greatest colors in a tank that mimics the river Rio-Paraguay biotope. Put some river sand on the tank bottom in this instance, followed by some snags and branched roots. Additionally, it would be a good idea to place some floating plants inside it and some dried tree leaves on the bottom.

  • Water Conditions

Black neon tetras can be found in the tributaries of small freshwater rivers of Paraguay and Brazil. Although the flora may be dense, the water is calm and transparent in some places. These fish prefer a pH range of 5-7 and water temperatures of 68-79 °F.

  • Tank decoration

The organic material added to the tank will cause the water to turn a light shade of tea-colored. Replace the fallen leaves every few weeks to prevent organic matter from decaying and water contamination. You may also add a turfy substrate to the filter to darken the tank water. Dim illumination is preferable for the tank.

However, as black neon tetras are now mass produced for sale, the fish have already gotten quite well suited to the environment. The fish should have some room to swim in the tank because it is quite active, and the tank should be closed because the fish can jump.

  • Diet

Black neon tetra is an omnivore and consumes all forms of live, frozen, and synthetic feed. The fish can be fed high-quality flakes, so occasionally adding bloodworms and brine shrimp will make the fish more nutrient-dense. Remember that tetras have small mouths, therefore the diet should take this quirk into consideration.

  • Tank Companions

The black neon tetra makes a great choice for tranquil fish community tanks. Since it is attractive, energetic, and tranquil, this tetra fish is among the best. The only negative is that they might stalk shrimp, particularly tiny ones like red cherry shrimp. Since neon tetra and cardinal tetra, two other species of neon fish, don’t do this, it appears odd. The presence of a school of seven tetras is essential since only in this fashion can their stunning color be appreciated.

They occasionally may nibble at the fins of other fish, however this tendency stops when the fish are in a school. The finest tank mates include Acanthophthalmus kuhlii, dwarf gourami, black tetra, platy, and tiger barb (kuhlii loach).


black neon tetra table

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