Education Moore Exotics


Black Bellied Whistling Duck

Black-Bellied Whistling Duck

A species of whistling duck is the black-bellied whistling duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis), also referred to as the black-bellied tree duck.

Fun Facts

  • In terms of behavior, they resemble swans and geese more than other ducks. 
  • Due to their propensity to perch in trees rather than lie down to rest, they were first referred to as “tree ducks.”
  • Nighttime is when black-bellied whistling ducks dine.


Black-bellied whistling duck males and females are comparable in size and appearance. Black-bellied whistling ducks are the tallest and most upright of all ducks, with long legs and necks. The head has a chestnut crown. They have a white eye ring, grey face, upper neck, and a bill that is brilliant orange. While they are poised in trees, the long pink legs are simple to see.

Black-Bellied-Whistling Duck


Raccoons, opossums, and snakes are among the predators that prey on eggs in unattended nests. Along with the disruptions caused by other Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks, Barn Owls, woodpeckers, honey bees, ants, and people, their disturbances also lead to nest abandonment.


The black-bellied whistling duck mostly consumes the grains and seeds of various grasses, plants, and weeds. When accessible, it also eats snails, insects, and other aquatic animals. Less than 10% of the invertebrate species in its diet.


Fresh marshes and ponds. Favors small freshwater lakes; may visit those in wide-open spaces, but tends to prefer ponds with lots of trees around them. will build nests in tree cavities or on the ground. Foraging frequently takes place in irrigated areas as well as dry fields.

As Pet

Ducks are frequently seen being reared as pets, but because they are flock-loving social beings, it is best to leave them alone in the wild rather than keeping them in captivity.


black- bellied whistling duck table

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