Education Moore Exotics


Black Bat Flower


The black bat flower, also known as Tacca chantrieri, is an exotic-looking, uncommon plant that can be challenging to maintain but is rewarding because of its striking appearance. The bat flower, which lives up to its common name, resembles a bat thanks to its wing-shaped bracts and seed pods that have bat-like faces. It is a semi-tropical plant that is native to the understory of forests in Asia and Australia.

Due to its large bracteoles, which resemble whiskers, this plant is sometimes known as tiger beard or cat’s whiskers. The purple variant has a deep, darkish hue that can be anywhere from maroon to purple but frequently appears black. Tacca integrifolia, a white flowering variant, expands twice as much as the black type. Although they are dramatic in the yard, bat flowers are not good as cut flowers and do not last long in vases. From late spring to early autumn, the bat flower blooms, with new blooms recurring throughout the season.



Although it loves a shaded environment, the bat flower needs warm temperatures. Plant it on the north side of a home, where it will receive indirect light, ideally alongside other tropical understory plants.


A rich, well-drained soil with lots of organic materials is necessary for growing bat flowers. It could be essential to amend the soil using peat moss, pine bark, and compost to improve drainage. Use a rich potting mix with 50% soil, 40% additions, and 10% perlite for optimal drainage when growing plants in containers.


Keep the soil moist and water regularly after planting. While it’s important to ensure that the planting area has sufficient drainage, bat flowers shouldn’t be let to dry out for too long.


Fertilization is beneficial for black bat flowers. Use a standard slow-release fertilizer or a liquid fertilizer made specifically for orchids, administered once a week.

Temperature and Humidity

Bat flowers cannot endure cold temperatures because they are semi-tropical plants. Bat blossoms might perish if the temperature falls below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. When the temperature is between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, they are happiest. They can also be grown inside, but a climate that is continually moist must be offered. Making sure the bat flower gets the moisture it needs will be made easier by using a humidifier and a plant mister.


black-bat-flower table

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