Education Moore Exotics


Bird Services


Veterinary Care

Avian Veterinary Care is provided by veterinarians who have chosen to specialize in the treatment of birds. Some people prefer to specialize in working with avian companion animals, while others choose to work with native species as wildlife veterinarians or in poultry industry.

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Trimming wings, claws, and beaks is a part of bird grooming, along with bathing. Wing trimming is a crucial component of bird grooming since it assures your bird’s safety. The flight feathers on both wings need to be clipped. As a result, the descent to the floor is even and controlled.

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Boarding Services

Consider the advantages of leaving your bird in the care of our professional staff. Without fearing that something might happen while you are away, enjoy yourself. There are several causes why it could be important to get your bird out of your house, including: Travel, home renovations, painting, carpet cleaning, and fumigation.

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Your bond with your bird depends on how well you train him. It can be a delightful approach to interact with your bird and spend time with him in addition to being used to control undesirable behaviors and make your bird simpler to handle.

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Behavior Consultant

An avian behavior consultant’s role is to assist in determining what is causing the issue, devise a plan of intervention to alter the problematic behavior, and assist the owners in carrying out the plan.


Breeding and Hatchery Services

In a bird breeding and hatchery, care is given to the adult birds that are breeding as well as the incubation of the baby birds.

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Bird Sitting and Pet Sitting

A bird sit is similar to an outdoor meditation when the focus is on birds. Bird sits offer similar advantages to mindfulness exercises, such as calmness and relaxation. They also foster a closer relationship with the nearby birds and reveal their secret languages.

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Photography and Art

Photographs that holds important information about birds with or without any artistic quality.

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Sanctuary or Rescue Center Manager

Bird Sanctuary or Rescue Center Manager is responsible for ensuring the treatment and proper care of birds that are living in the sanctuary or rescue center.

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A person with knowledge of bird nutrition is known as an avian nutritionist..

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Genetics Specialist

The specialist in avian genetics will investigate and analyze how traits are passed down through populations, organisms, and molecules. They may also diagnose or treat individuals with avian genetic problems.

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Behavior Researcher

A person in charge of a thorough understanding of the behavioral characteristics of bird behavior and feeding, for instance, needs to be knowledgeable about issues like motor patterns, feeding mechanisms, diet, development, behavioral ecology, food preference, sensory biology, functional morphology, and others.

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Rehabilitation Technician

The maintenance and medical treatment of birds is the responsibility of avian rehabilitation technicians, who also assist in emergency response.

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Product Development

Conceptualization, design, development, and marketing of freshly made or recently rebranded goods or products of birds are all parts of the process known as “avian product development.”

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Public Relations and Outreach

Specialists in avian public relations work with businesses or organizations with a focus on birds. They manage strategies for communication, spread knowledge about problems with bird conservation, and encourage participation from the general public in projects involving birds.


Bird Show Performer/Trainer

A specialist in training birds, especially for entertainment, is a bird show trainer.


Avian Pathologist

A specialist in training birds, especially for entertainment, is a bird show trainer.


Avian Artist

An avian artist is a person who paints or draws birds as a profession or hobby.


A person who prepares the skins of dead birds and fills them with a particular substance to make them appear alive is known as a bird taxidermist.


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