Education Moore Exotics





3 inches.

Physical Appearance and Characteristics 

Although there are different types of Betta tails, the “veil tail” is the most common. Additional examples of tail forms include the “crown tail,” “half-moon tail,” “double tail,” and “short-finned fighting-style tail.” Other occupants may occasionally bite at one’s fins, and one should be cautious of this. These fish are legitimate fighting fish, and not for no reason. Males will kill each other if they are kept together in an aquarium. Since they do not fare well in groups, only one of these fish should be kept. However, they can coexist peaceful fish communities alongside neons, barbs, rasboras, and mollies.


Soft water with a pH between 6.8 and 7.5 is ideal for betta fish. Despite appearances, it is best for their health to maintain temperatures between 76 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. They will be less active and more susceptible to illness at cooler temperatures.

Setup for Keeping as Pet


  • Tank Setup

Betta fish are admired for their beauty and are very well-liked. Sadly, this has led to some pet owners maintaining betta fish purely for aesthetic purposes and neglecting to provide for them. It’s a popular misconception that bettas thrive in small, plain glass vases.

It is inhumane to confine any fish, including bettas, to a small aquarium. To survive, bettas require a spacious, attractive tank and access to clean water.  Make sure the tank is set up and cycled before bringing new betta fish home.

Betta tank setup will require the following:

  • Tank Size

At least 5 gallons should be in the tank. Start with a minimum of 10 gallons in the aquarium if the owner intends to add more fish to it.

  • Water Temperature

76 to 82 degrees

  • Water quality 

Calm water with a pH between 6.8 and 7.5, no strong currents, and calm conditions. Check the tank water’s suitability frequently using a pH testing kit.

  • Decorations

Give fish plenty of places to hide and decorations to explore. Live plants can help the water get more oxygen and also serve as hiding spots for betta.

Bettas can be kept in large fish bowls with the right accessories, but a person should never put any fish in a small, empty bowl that is completely empty.


betta table

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