Education Moore Exotics


Berger Picard


A French herding dog with its origins in Picardy is known as the Berger Picard or Picardy Shepherd. After both World Wars, these canines almost became extinct and are still a rare breed.


The Berger Picard is a medium-sized, well-muscled dog with a disheveled yet elegant appearance that is just slightly taller than it is wide. Their ears are large at the base, naturally upright, and high set. Although they have thick eyebrows, they do not cover their dark, open eyes. Their smiles are well-known. Their natural tail typically has a little J-curve at the tip and extends to the hock. Their weatherproof coat is short with a thin undercoat, rough and crisp to the touch. Fawn and brindle are the two main coat colors, though there are numerous shade variants of each.


Care as a Pet/ In Captivity

Spend a lot of time working out with your Berger Picard. Fortunately, this breed doesn’t require a lot of maintenance for grooming. But from an early age, it should receive constant instruction and socialization.


For your Berger Picard, set a daily workout goal of at least two hours. Long walks, fetch matches, running, cycling, swimming, and trekking are all excellent hobbies. Herding and agility are two excellent canine activities that offer both mental and physical challenges. Additionally, puzzle toys help stimulate your dog’s mind.

Make sure you can set aside enough time each day to exercise your dog. A bored Berger Picard without an outlet for its energy may turn destructive.

berger picard exercise


Berger Picards are intelligent and quickly pick up on training orders. If possible, begin socializing and teaching your dog while he or she is a puppy to instill positive behavior and guard against harmful behaviors.

Use praise and treats as well as other positive reinforcement training techniques at all times. Due to sensitivity to strong corrections, this breed may become resistant to training. Additionally, to preserve your dog’s interest, try to make your training sessions enjoyable and interesting. The breed can become bored with too much repetition and does have a stubborn streak.

Nutrition and Diet

Your dog should always have access to fresh water. And feed it a nutritionally complete diet, usually in the form of two measured meals per day. To make sure that you are addressing your dog’s specific needs, discuss the type of food you are using and the amount with your veterinarian. For instance, your Berger Picard may require more nutrients if it has an active lifestyle. To avoid overeating, be careful with treats and other excess food.


The Berger Picard requires little upkeep. The rough, tousled coat does not require extraordinary care to produce its rustic appearance, although it might mat if not combed frequently (once every other week). Rarely do people bathe. Only the ears should ever be hand-stripped when trimming their fur. Due to the minimal oil content in their fur, Picards have a mild scent.



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