Education Moore Exotics


Bergamasco Sheepdog


An Italian sheepdog breed is known as the Bergamasco Shepherd. Its original home is the Alpi e Prealpi Bergamasche, where it was employed as a sheep and cattle herding dog. 


The Bergamasco is a medium-sized, sturdy, and well-proportioned dog with a rugged appearance. It has a square shape from the side, with the length of the body matching the height at the withers.

bergamasco sheepdog appearance

Care as a Pet/ In Captivity

Bergamasco sheepdogs need regular training and socializing, as well as a reasonable amount of daily exercise. Plus, if you know how to care for it, their distinctive coat is surprisingly simple to maintain.


 These dogs should be exercised for at least an hour each day, whether it be through walking, jogging, hiking, playing, or other activities. They also take part in dog sports like agility and herding, which can help them keep their bodies and minds in shape. Swimming is typically not a good activity, though, because the water impedes mobility and weights down their flocked coat.  Bergamasco sheepdogs need regular training and socializing as well as a moderate amount of daily exercise. 



The coat must be “torn” when the dog turns one year old, which creates the mats or flocks. Following that, the flocks will develop and get denser, requiring less brushing and shedding. Only a few times a year are baths necessary, and then the flocks must be completely dried using fans. About once a month, check your nails to see if they need to be trimmed. 


The protein content of the Bergamasco Sheepdog’s diet should be around 23%. It contains amino acids, which serve as the cellular building blocks. Protein can be found in foods like meat, fish, eggs, etc.


For this breed, early socialization and training are crucial to preventing the development of negative tendencies. Due to their high intelligence, these dogs typically take to positive training techniques successfully. As opposed to being “alphas,” they typically view their humans as equal partners. And that occasionally makes them resistant to training. But kids should comply with your requests as long as you are consistent in your instructions and constructively praise good behavior.

Additionally, it’s crucial to socialize your dog from a young age with varied people, canines, and environments. Its comfort level and confidence will rise as a result, and its protective instinct will be subdued. These dogs typically have an innate suspicion of strangers.



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