Education Moore Exotics


Benefits of Herbal Plants

Herbal Plants




  • The leaves have been taken internally to treat gall bladder and liver problems as well as diarrhea.
  • They have also been used as an aperient.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

  • Skin issues have been treated with this medicinal plant.
  • In addition, Aloe Vera has demonstrated antihyperlipidemic, antioxidant, antidiabetic, and anticancer effects.



  • Amaranth is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry to produce medicinal products against atherosclerosis, stomach ulcers, tuberculosis, as well as antiseptic, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory preparations



  • Many conditions, including acne, erythema, sinusitis, colds, headaches (particularly migraines), toothaches, and even cancer, have been successfully treated with angelica root.

Anise Hyssop

Anise Hyssop

  • Dried leaves can be applied topically to heal wounds, fevers, coughs, and diarrhea.

Apple Mint

Apple Mint

  • Apple mint is frequently used as a home cure for migraines, headaches, and digestive problems like indigestion, bloating, and nausea.



  • Many diseases, such as bruises, sprains, aches in the muscles, wound healing, superficial phlebitis, joint discomfort, inflammation from bug bites, and swelling from fractured bones, can be treated topically with arnica.



  • It might encourage sound sleep, reduce tension and anxiety, and in certain cases, even enhance cognitive performance.

Aztec Sweet Herb

Aztec Sweet Herb

  • These included the use of the drug’s spasmodic effects to induce miscarriage and treat liver diseases, diarrhea, hypertension, and indigestion.



  • It may be helpful for high blood sugar, allergies, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), menopause, and symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle.



  • Extracts from the leaf, stem, and root are utilized in medical applications. Eating artichokes is another typical culinary practice.
  • It has ingredients that help lessen gas, spasms, and nausea and vomiting.
  • It has also been found that these substances decrease cholesterol and shield the liver.


Balloon Flower

Balloon Flower

  • It suppresses the release of histamine and decreases blood sugar and cholesterol in the liver.
  • Internally: cures colds, bronchitis, pleurisy, pulmonary infections, coughs with profuse phlegm, and throat infections.
  • In Korea, it’s also used to treat diabetes and hypertension.

Balm of Gilead

Balm of Gilead.

  • Balm of Gilead, also known as Poplar Bud Salve, has long been used to treat inflammation and superficial skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema, sunburns, rashes, bug bites, and chapped skin.

Basil African Blue

Basil African Blue

  • African Blue Basil leaves have unique medicinal properties due to their abundance in essential oils, such as camphor.
  • Because of its analgesic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory qualities, it is used.

Basil Greek

Basil Greek

  • To make marinades and sauces for salads or meat dishes, use Greek basil.
  • Vegetables that have been roasted: It can be added as a seasoning to roasted carrots, potatoes, and sweet potatoes.

Basil Holy

Basil Holy.

  • Holy basil is used to treat a wide range of illnesses, including diabetes, high cholesterol, anxiety, and stress.

Basil Purple

Basil Purple

  • Similar to other varieties of basil, purple basil is rich in vitamin K, which promotes bone strength and blood clotting.
  • Basil oil boosts immunity, fights ageing and skin conditions, and is used medicinally for its antibacterial and antioxidant qualities.

Basil Thai

Basil Thai

  • Thai basil has been used in traditional medicine for centuries because of its strong antioxidant content, anti-cancer, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal qualities.



  • The herb has many different therapeutic use.
  • To treat headaches, the Ojibwe used to stuff a wad of chewed leaves of this plant into their noses.
  • The dried plant tops were used as a sternutatory, helping to relieve colds.
  • The leaves were submerged in baby baths with warm water.



  • It can be used as a tea or gargle for throat and mouth irritations, and as an astringent to cure diarrhea.
  • In addition to being smoked or administered as a tincture to cure headaches, it has been used to treat anxiety.

Basil Sweet

Basil Sweet

  • Sweet basil may have antibacterial, insect repellent, anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular, central nervous system, and antidiabetic properties, according to studies.



  • Borage is also used for “blood purification,” to avoid lung inflammation, to enhance urine flow, as a sedative, to induce sweating, and to treat a hormone issue known as adrenal insufficiency.



  • It was thought to fortify the kidneys, bladder, and heart and to be a plague remedy.
  • Actually, burnet promotes appetite, is high in vitamins, and helps to stop bleeding.



  • Many stomach problems, such as diarrhea, appetite loss, constipation, intestinal gas, and spasms, are commonly treated with basil.




  • People use calamint for a variety of ailments, including gout, sleeplessness, depression, and seizure disorder (epilepsy).



  • Caraway has long been used as a carminative, galactagogue, appetizer, and remedy for pneumonia and indigestion.



  • Similar to other herbal teas, catmint tea has the potential to help with digestive issues like nausea, diarrhea, excessive gas, and upset stomachs.
  • Additionally, it helps with respiratory issues like colds, coughs, and congestion in the chest.



  • Gas, cramps in the stomach and diarrhea were treated with catnip.
  • It is claimed to ease digestive tract spasms in the muscles.
  • The digestive tract may be calmed by consuming catnip tea.

Chamomile Dyers

Chamomile – dyers

  • The whole plant has vesicant, emetic, diaphoretic, and antispasmodic properties.
  • The entire plant or just the blooms can be used to make the tea, which is consumed internally.



  • This plant can lower blood pressure, fight cancer, and improve athletic performance.



  • In the past, chervil was used as an expectorant, digestive aid, diuretic, and skin refresher.
  • It was also believed to alleviate pleurisy, gout, kidney stones, and eczema symptoms.



  • Chicory is used to treat a variety of ailments, including high blood pressure, indigestion, constipation, and liver and heart health.



  • The high vitamin C content of shallots is not the sole reason they are beneficial to human health. Many different illnesses are relieved by their essential oils.
  • They have an expectorant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Additionally, chives stimulate appetite and aid in digestion.



  • Medicine is made from the leaf, flower, and root of this plant.
  • Coltsfoot is used to treat a variety of ailments, including asthma, cough, sore throat, and swelling of the airways, despite grave safety concerns.



  • On the skin, comfrey can be applied to heal wounds and lessen swelling from sprains and fractures.



  • Professional herbalists frequently prescribe coneflowers to treat a range of conditions, such as athlete’s foot, sinusitis, hay fever (also called allergic rhinitis), ear infections (also called otitis media), urinary tract infections, and wounds that heal slowly.



  • Vitamin C, iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium can all be found in coriander.
  • Essential oil of coriander may have antimicrobial properties.
  • Furthermore, coriander contains compounds known as diuretics, which cause blood vessels to expand and act as a “water pill” to potentially reduce blood pressure.

Coriander Vietnamese

Coriander Vietnamese

  • Vietnamese coriander is used to treat diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, constipation, dandruff, gas (flatulence), and reduced sexual desire.

Corsican Mint


  • It is antiseptic and used to treat mild diseases, headaches, fevers, and digestive problems.

Cosmos Chocolate

Cosmos Chocolate

  • Fever, jaundice, and various illnesses have all been treated with Cosmos.
  • Although there isn’t much proof that this plant is used medicinally, some claim that Cosmos has antioxidant qualities and guards against oxidative DNA damage.

Cotton Lavender

Cotton lavender

  • Lavender cotton is used to treat premenstrual syndrome (PMS), worms, edema, muscle spasms, yellowing of the skin (jaundice), and digestive issues.
  • Sometimes people use lavender cotton directly to their skin to ward off mosquitoes.



  • They don’t have a lot of nutrients, but they do have a lot of potassium, which can help keep blood pressure regular, and vitamin C, which is beneficial for boosting the immune system.



  • Digestive problems include constipation, appetite loss, heartburn, intestinal gas, and intestinal spasms are all treated with cardamom.



  • Rheumatism (pain in the joints), gout, hysteria, anxiety, headache, malnourishment, appetite loss, and tiredness are all treated with celery.



  • Spicy flavoring was added with the usage of rosemary. The herb’s astringent and antibacterial qualities have also been employed in the past.
  • To relieve pain and cramping, cloves and honey were added to costmary tea.



  • Cumin has traditionally been utilized to lower inflammation, promote urine, stop flatulence, and inhibit muscular spasms.
  • Additionally, it has been used as a treatment for flatulence, diarrhea, jaundice, and indigestion.
  • Cumin powder has been smoked in a pipe and consumed orally, as well as used topically and as a suppository.




  • Dill has a wide range of plant chemicals that may offer several health advantages, such as preventing heart disease and other ailments.




  • Elecampane works effectively for infections that are old or stuck and may produce green or yellow mucus.

English Lavender

English Lavender

  • Aroma therapists use this lavender for inhalation treatments to address nerve issues, exhaustion, and headaches.
  • Herbalists use lavender oil to treat a range of skin disorders, including as fungal infections (like candidiasis), wounds, dermatitis, and acne.
  • It can also be used in a restorative bath to relieve muscle and joint discomfort.

Evening Primrose

Evening Primrose

  • Supplemental evening primrose oil is recommended for rheumatoid arthritis, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), breast pain, menopause symptoms, and atopic dermatitis (a form of eczema).



Foxglove. (1)

  • Foxglove is used to treat constipation, headaches, spasms, asthma, epilepsy, TB, congestive heart failure (CHF), and the associated fluid retention (edema).
  • It is also used to treat abnormal heartbeats, including atrial fibrillation and “flutter.”
  • In addition, it’s utilized to induce vomiting and treat burns and wounds.



  • Fennel has been used as a flavoring, aroma, and insect repellent in addition to being a natural remedy for stomach problems and poisoning.
  • It has also been used as a stimulant to initiate the menstrual cycle and boost nursing mothers’ milk production.



  • Fenugreek has been promoted as a dietary supplement for the treatment of diabetes, menstrual cramps, and other ailments as well as for boosting milk production in nursing mothers.




  • Garlic reduces blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar levels, inhibits and eliminates bacteria, fungus, and parasites, and guards the liver by preventing blood clotting.
  • It has anticancer properties as well. Additionally, garlic can strengthen immunity, fend off illness, and maintain overall health.



  • Additionally, it has been utilized as a diuretic, which aids in the body’s elimination of extra fluid.
  • In addition, goldenrod has been used to treat gout, hemorrhoids, internal bleeding, diabetes, TB, asthma, and arthritis.



  • Physicians may recommend ginger to treat or avoid motion sickness, pregnancy, and nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy.
  • It also helps with mild upset tummies, reduces pain from osteoarthritis, and may even help with cardiac issues.




  • Antioxidants, which bind to free radicals and shield your body from cellular harm, are abundant in horseradish.
  • Additionally, preliminary study indicates that horseradish may inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the stomach, lung, and colon, but further human studies are required.

Hounds Tongue

Hounds Tongue

  • The plant has a well-established anti-tumor reputation for treating a variety of malignancies.
  • The roots are used to make a homoeopathic treatment. It works extremely well to relieve insomnia.
  • Teas made from the leaves and roots have been used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhoids, coughs, and colds.



  • Burns, gout, diabetes, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, and ear infections can all be treated with houseleek.


Jacobs Ladder

Jacobs Ladder

  • Because of its diaphoretic (causing excessive perspiration), astringent, and expectorant properties, Jacobs Ladder was utilized in herbal medicine.
  • An infusion of the root was thought to be helpful in treating coughs, colds, and bronchial and lung ailments.



  • Jiaogulan includes ingredients that may be useful in lowering cholesterol.
  • Jiaogulan is frequently used to treat obesity, diabetes, liver disease, excessive cholesterol, and a number of other conditions.




  • Due to its high calcium and vitamin K content, kale has the potential to improve bone health. Eating kale could aid in the body’s detoxification process.
  • It might aid in the treatment of nutritional issues. Given its high iron and vitamin C content, it might strengthen immunity.


Lady’s Mantle

Lady's mantle.

  • It has been reported that the upper parts of the plant can be used to treat wounds, rashes, inflammations, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, anemia, ulcers, hernias, gynecological and abdominal diseases, and wounds.

Lambs Lettuce

Lamb's Lettuce.

  • Beta-carotene, an antioxidant that the body converts to vitamin A, is abundant in lamb’s lettuce.

Land Cress

Land Cress.

  • As a vermifuge, some individuals consume 6–12 uncooked seed pods of this plant in the AM and PM before meals.
  • Likewise used as a horseradish substitute for colds, indigestion, flatulence, and catarrh. Its actions are considered mild.

Lavender Folgate

Lavender Folgate

  • All lavender flowers of this plant are collected for their essential oil, which has long been used for headache relief and inducing restfulness.
  • It also has insect repellant qualities. Lavender pillows with dried flower heads can be used to ward against insects in drawers and refresh clothing.

Lavender Munstead

Lavender Munstead

  • Edible lavender flowers can be used to make soothing drinks or crystalized in sugar to decorate cakes.
  • Lavender is used by aroma therapists in inhalation treatment to relieve fatigue, headaches, and nerve problems.

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm

  • It was used to treat pain and discomfort from indigestion (including gas and bloating, as well as colic), promote sleep, enhance appetite, and lessen tension and anxiety.

Lemon Grass

Lemon Grass

  • Quercetin is a flavonoid found in lemongrass that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • By lowering inflammation, quercetin slows the growth of cancer cells and guards against heart disease.
  • In Africa, lemongrass is utilized as a coronary heart disease treatment.

Lemon Verbena

Lemon Verbena

  • Strong antioxidants called phenolic chemicals, found in abundance in lemon verbena, protect the body from free radical damage, lower oxidative stress, boost immunity, and maintain overall health.



  • In the past, it was used to treat a wide range of illnesses, such as liver, kidney, lung, and circulation problems.
  • It is suggested that liquorice root be taken as a dietary supplement to treat ailments like bacterial and viral infections, menopausal symptoms, cough, and digestive issues.



  • Medicine is made from the rhizome, or underground stem, and the root. Lovage is used to treat kidney damage (diabetic nephropathy), cough, indigestion, kidney stones, and a host of other ailments.




  • Marigold is an effective antibacterial and a great way to treat wounds.
  • Marigold’s leaves and petals include antibacterial, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and antiepileptic properties.



  • Common uses for marjoram include treating runny nose, cough, colds, infections, and gastrointestinal issues.

Marsh Mallow

Marsh Mallow

  • On the skin and the lining of the digestive tract, marshmallow is sometimes applied as a protective layer.
  • It also has ingredients that may lessen cough and prevent infections.



  • Meadowsweet is used to treat gout, peptic ulcer disease, heartburn, upset stomach, colds, and bronchitis.
  • Additionally, it is utilized to eliminate germs from the urine of patients suffering from bladder infections and boost urine output.

Chocolate Mint

Chocolate Mint

  • Numerous vitamins and minerals found in chocolate mint help strengthen your immune system and lessen long-term inflammation.
  • Like other mints, its pleasant flavor helps to focus and improves cognitive performance by arousing the mind.
  • Its calming properties might help with respiratory issues and stomach issues.



  • It has been shown to support a number of health benefits, such as immune system enhancement, eye health promotion, cancer risk reduction, bone health promotion, and blood clotting processes.


Motherwort (1)

  • For thousands of years, motherwort has been used to cure a wide range of illnesses, such as anxiety, heart disease, and irregular menstruation.



  • Mugwort taken orally is recommended for high blood pressure, irregular menstrual cycles, and digestive issues.
  • It is also promoted as a liver tonic, sedative, and laxative.



  • Pulmonary issues, inflammatory illnesses, asthma, spasmodic coughs, diarrhea, and migraine headaches have all been treated with mullein.

Musk Mallow

Musk Mallow

  • The main parts used are the leaves and flowers, which are valued for their demulcent qualities when applied topically to bruises, inflammations, insect bites, and other conditions.
  • They can also be consumed orally to treat respiratory disorders, diarrhea, and urinary tract inflammations.



  • As an antioxidant, it can fight off bacteria, fungus, diabetes, cancer, and psoriasis.
  • Neurodegenerative conditions including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease may benefit from its use.
  • It might also lessen inflammation and pain.



  • Chemicals found in myrtle may be able to lessen edema and combat germs and fungus.
  • Myrtle is used to treat a variety of ailments, including warts, persistent heartburn, acne, canker sores, and very heavy menstrual bleeding.


Mint Leaves

  • Mint is a popular herb that may provide health advantages. This can include reducing allergic reactions, improving digestive health, and alleviating the symptoms of the common cold.




  • Nasturtium is taken combined with other herbs to treat bronchitis, coughing, enlarged airways, and urinary tract infections (UTIs).




  • Many conditions, including rash, headache, toothache, fever, cough, flu, sore throat, baldness, epilepsy, jaundice, constipation, flatulence, intestinal worms, low sexual arousal, rheumatism, body pain and cramps, high blood pressure, and diabetes, have been treated with onions in traditional medicine.


Oregano (1)

Oregano has been used traditionally to treat a variety of illnesses, including diabetes, menstrual disorders, gastrointestinal issues, respiratory ailments (such as asthma, bronchitis, and cough), and gastrointestinal disorders (such as diarrhea, indigestion, and stomachaches).

Oregano Country Cream

Oregano Country Cream

  • Makes a delicious cup of tea and is frequently used in Mexican, Greek, and Italian cooking!
  • Recognized as an excellent source of nectar and attractant for bees and other beneficial insects.


Pak Choi

Pak Choi.

  • It eliminates toxins and clears heat in traditional Chinese medicine

Pennyroyal Mint

Pennyroyal Mint.

  • The plant has anti-inflammatory (lower inflammation), antibacterial (protect from microbial infection), and antioxidant (protect from oxidative damages) properties.
  • It also counteracts weakness by acting as a strong stimulant.



  • In addition to being a common flavoring for gum, toothpaste, and tea, peppermint is also used to soothe upset stomachs and promote better digestion.
  •  It is frequently used to treat headaches, skin irritation, nausea, diarrhea, menstrual cramps, flatulence, and anxiety related to depression because of its numbing and calming down properties.



  • Herbalists have long believed that plantains are effective treatments for wounds, rashes, coughs, and insect stings.
  • Applying bruised or crushed leaves externally has been used to cure skin irritation, small wounds, and insect bites and stings.



  • Primrose is taken orally to treat skin conditions such psoriasis, acne, eczema (atopic dermatitis), and ichthyosis, which is characterized by dry, itchy, or thick skin.



  • Tryptophan, an amino acid, is present in them and aids in the body’s production of serotonin, which induces sleep.
  • They are abundant in antioxidants like beta-carotene, which reduce inflammation, fight cancer, and enhance the look of skin.

Purple Loosestrife

Purple Loosestrife

  • Some of the compounds in purple loosestrife may help fight intestinal bacteria, while others may lessen swelling and inflammation.

Purple Sage

Purple Sage

  • Purple sage is the most effective type of sage for therapeutic purposes; it can be used as an anti-inflammatory for insect bites, relieve congestion and chest colds, and be put into teas.



  • It is possible to make medicine from the leaf, seed, and root. Parsley is used by some people to treat gastrointestinal (GI) diseases, skin conditions, kidney stones (nephrolithiasis), bladder infections (UTIs), constipation, and numerous other medical conditions.




  • GI bleeding, heartburn, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, and preparation for specific GI diagnostic procedures are the main digestive symptoms for which rhubarb is utilized.


Rosemary (1)

  • It has been used to treat depression, intercostal neuralgia, headaches, migraines, insomnia, and emotional disturbance.
  • It has also been used as a moderate analgesic.



  • Rue includes compounds that may have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  • In addition to numerous other uses, people use rue as a pregnancy control, cancer, and insect repellent.




  • With its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, saffron may help lower heart disease risk, lessen anxiety and depressive symptoms, enhance sleep quality, and protect eye health.

Santolina Virens

Santolina virens

  • Because of their analgesic, antibacterial, anti-fungicidal, and anti-inflammatory qualities, they are frequently utilized.
  • Narrow green foliage with a strong smell and yellow button blooms.
  • Reducing the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and treating infections and gastrointestinal issues.



  • It has been used to treat headaches, anxiety, and nervous tension in addition to being a moderate relaxant.
  • Due to its strong antioxidant properties, skullcap may offer protection against neurological conditions like depression, anxiety, and Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.



  • Soapwort has been used to wash delicate clothes and as a light cleanser for the body.



  • Strongly aromatic and bitter, it increases secretions in the stomach and intestines to aid in digestion and liver function.
  • It also stimulates the uterus and promotes monthly flow, lowers fevers, relieves spasms, and eliminates intestinal worms.



  • It has a lot of antioxidants and other healthy plant chemicals that may help regulate hormones, decrease blood sugar, and enhance digestion.
  • It might potentially lessen anxiety and enhance memory.



  • Spinach consumption may reduce the incidence of cancer, improve bone health, and help diabetics better control their blood sugar levels.
  • A healthy leafy green food, spinach may help with skin, hair, and bone health.

Sweet Woodruff

Sweet Woodruff

  • Traditional uses include treating circulatory and venous problems, jaundice, hemorrhoids, and psychological agitation with the blooming tops and aerial portions; crushed leaves have also been applied topically to reduce swelling and accelerate wound healing.

St. Johns Wort

St. John's Wort.

  • For tension, anxiety, and nerve pain (neuralgia), St. John’s wort is a useful remedy.
  • Moreover, it might help with weakness, tension, agitation, and difficulty falling asleep (insomnia).
  • It’s also said to lessen some conditions’ associated pain.



  • Strawberries include antioxidants, such as vitamin C, which can strengthen your immune system and reduce your risk of illness when exposed to pathogens.
  • They might also help control blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and prevent diseases like diabetes, high cholesterol, cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

Summer Savory

Summer Savory

  • Important biological characteristics of summer savory include antibacterial and antioxidant activity as well as preventive actions against Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, infection, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cholesterol in addition to its protective effects against Jurkat T Cells.


Sunflower (1)

  • In Europe, sunflower seeds were used medicinally to cure pulmonary diseases.
  • A mixture made from the seeds was also commonly used to treat colds and coughs.
  • In the Caucasus, sunflower seeds were used to treat malaria instead of quinine.



  • Sage is frequently used to treat menopause symptoms, excessive cholesterol, and memory and cognitive impairments.
  • In addition, it is used to treat sunburn, sore throats, lung cancer, post-operative discomfort, and many other ailments.



  • Savory is an extensively used condiment that also possesses chemotherapeutic, antioxidant, antispasmodic, and antidiarrheal qualities.



  • Their anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, blood lipid regulation, antioxidant, cholesterol reduction, liver and kidney protection, cardiovascular system protection, and other actions are greatly beneficial to human health.



  • Shallots are used in traditional medicine to treat influenza, fevers, coughs, and colds.



  • In addition to being used in conjunction with conventional medications to treat bacterial infections, sorrel is also used to increase urine flow (as a diuretic) and lessen acute and chronic discomfort and swelling (inflammation) of the nasal passages and respiratory system.
  • Moreover, sorrel is a component of the herbal remedy Essiac, which treats cancer.




  • Toothache, sleep issues, nausea and vomiting following surgery, indigestion (dyspepsia), and other ailments are treated with tarragon.



  • Additionally, it might have a range of health advantages, including the ability to control mucous, prevent infections, and battle acne.
  • For many years, people have utilized thyme’s flowers, leaves, and essential oil to cure digestive disorders, inflammation, and respiratory ailments.



  • Both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine have utilized turmeric as an anti-inflammatory and to heal wounds, skin conditions, liver and digestive issues, and other ailments.
  • Furthermore potent as an antioxidant is curcumin.




  • Valerian was used to alleviate stomach pains, exhaustion, migraines, and sleeplessness



  • Sometimes used medicinally, verbena can help with infections, anxiety, depression, and sleeplessness.



  • Vanilla is used as an aphrodisiac to boost sexual desire, treat intestinal gas, fever, tooth decay, and lower anxiety.




  • Applied to the skin to treat minor bleeding injuries.
  • Taken orally to lessen inflammation, particularly in the gastrointestinal system.
  • Used as a sedative to treat sleeplessness or anxiety.




  • Many conditions, including as cancer, heart disease, indigestion, and stomach pain, can be treated with wasabi eaten orally.

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