Education Moore Exotics




Physical Characteristics

The beagle breed is a diminutive scent dog that resembles the much larger foxhound in appearance. The beagle was created especially to hunt the beagling, a type of hare, and has an acute sense of smell and excellent tracking abilities. They do have three separate vocalizations, including a bark or growl, a baying howl, and a half-baying howl, but they are not yappy dogs (a cross between a frantic bark and a bay). Beagles weigh anywhere between 18 and 30 pounds, depending on their height. Most often, beagles are seen as tricolors, which are black, tan, and white. They can be found in the other hound colors as well.

Care as a Pet/ In Captivity

beagle hound


Aim for two meals per day, each consisting of 3/4 to 1.5 cups of high-quality dry food. Beagles are thieving with food. If given the chance, these dogs will regularly plunder your pantry and trash, and they’ll eat until they’re full. 


At least once a week, they should be brushed with a medium-bristle brush or dog glove to remove dull hair and promote the growth of new hair. Brushing the dog’s teeth at least twice or three times a week is part of grooming in order to get rid of bacteria-filled tartar accumulation. Keeping nails trimmed once or twice a month will help you avoid unpleasant rips and other issues.

beagle grooming


Beagles are energetic canines designed for lengthy hunting trips. This means that they will require regular exercise, preferably in the form of long walks, whether you live in an apartment or on a farm. Securing the exits is a smart strategy to control the Beagle’s voracious demand for the excellent smell. If your dog could escape via any openings in your yard due to a tempting fragrance, you might wish to close those openings.


Beagles are intelligent, obstinate, driven by food, and quickly distracted by smells. This means that training should be carried out consistently and in a calm, distraction-free setting. Your Beagle will be more focused if your training sessions are brief, and positive reinforcement with praise and goodies will encourage good behavior. An online dog trainer who can help monitor more subtle habits and improve training results may be something more seasoned dog parents want to think about.


beagle table

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