Education Moore Exotics


Basset Hound


Physical Appearance

A member of the hound family with short legs is the Basset Hound. Only the Bloodhound has a better sense of smell and feel of ground. Bassets have curving Sabre tails held high over their long backs and are large, short, sturdy, and long. The weight of an adult dog ranges from 20 to 35 kg. Due to a type of dwarfism, Bassets have small legs. Their diminutive size can be misleading. Because they are so hefty and have small legs, bassets cannot swim for very extended periods while maintaining their position above the water. 

basset hound

Care as a Pet/ In Captivity

While Bassets require less activity than many other hunting dogs, they still need their owners to devote a lot of time and care to training. These obstinate and strong-willed dogs are likely to disregard instruction in favor of play, treats, and other enjoyable diversionary activities. Your Basset can, however, learn positive behaviors at home if you are consistent and provide rewards. This short-coated breed merely requires routine maintenance in the grooming department.


About 80% of the diet consists of raw bones and meat, with the other 20% being made up of pulverized fruits and vegetables. Adding a balanced canine vitamin supplement daily can help your basset hound stay healthy because this type of food can be challenging to get just right. 


Training Bassets isn’t always simple because they are a breed that is regarded as being quite independent and stubborn. When puppies are as young as eight weeks old, basic obedience training should start, and it needs to be repeated numerous times daily. 

basset hound training

Bassets and other scent hounds were bred over time to hunt independently, which required them to follow a trail without being sidetracked. They continue to be primarily focused in pursuing their own wants as a result. Training will take more time, patience, and persistence because Basset Hounds can appear distant and uninterested in obeying their owners’ directions. During training sessions, this breed will respond favorably to rewards (given in moderation) and encouraging remarks. Avoid using punishment-based training approaches since they can increase Bassets’ resistance to it. They should be properly socialized from a young age, just like any dogs.


Every four to six weeks (approximately once and a half months), they should be groomed to clean their ears, trim their nails, and check their anal glands. Bassets can receive as many dog shampoo baths as required. Rinsing is required in its entirety. Cotton balls can be inserted within the ear canals to prevent getting shampoo and soapy water inside the ears. Avoid getting soap in your eyes as well. To dry the Basset, use terry cloth towels or an electric hair drier.


basset hound table

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