Education Moore Exotics


Basil Purple

Basil Purple


As the name implies, purple basil is a general term for basil plants with purple leaves as opposed to green ones. Purple basil plants, like regular sweet basil, are excellent culinary herbs that can be used anywhere green-hued Genovese or sweet basil might be.

The vivid red-purple leaves and stems of purple opal season food or use them as a garnish. The flavor of the leaves is sweet and anise-like. This plant’s lovely foliage and lavender blossoms are also a lovely addition to the decorative garden.


Purple basil is native to the tropics of Africa, America, and Asia, where it has been farmed and used in cooking for centuries, much like its relative, the green-leaved basil. 


Similar to other varieties of basil, purple basil is rich in vitamin K, which promotes bone strength and blood clotting. Basil oil boosts immunity, fights ageing and skin conditions, and is used medicinally for its antibacterial and antioxidant qualities.

Basil Purple.

Plant Care

  • When it’s dry outside, water your purple basil a lot, especially if it’s in a container.
  • However, be careful not to overwater or permit water logging to happen. If at all feasible, water the soil underneath the plant rather than the plant itself, as moist leaves might create an environment that is conducive to the growth of fungi. Water before midday.
  • Use organic materials as mulch around your purple basil plants to retain moisture, improve fertility, and inhibit the growth of weeds.
  • If basil is planted in rich soil, it usually doesn’t require extra fertilizer. However, throughout the summer, it can be a good idea to feed plants in containers with an organic liquid plant feed that is high in nitrogen every few weeks.
  • In temperate climates, purple basil is typically grown as an annual. However, if you have a favorite purple basil plant, you can make clones from cuttings so the next year you can have the plant in your garden.


Basil Purple Table

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