Education Moore Exotics


Basil Greek

Basil Greek


Minimum Greek’ (Greek Basil) is a bushy, compact annual with bright green, intensely fragrant leaves. Erect, bushy shrub with tiny, deeply green, extremely aromatic leaves. Compared to sweet basil, the leaves are smaller and have a somewhat sweeter taste. Small, tubular, pink or white blooms appear at the top of the stems in summertime in spike form.


Tropical areas ranging from Southeast Asia to Central Africa are home to basil. Basil is considered an annual plant in temperate climates, but in warmer horticultural zones with tropical or Mediterranean temperatures, it can be cultivated as a short-lived perennial or biennial.


Add fresh or dried leaves to various cooking applications, such as tomato-based recipes. Greek basil leaves have a richer taste than those of other basils.

Basil Greek.

Plant Care

  • Water

Greek basil prefers a moist atmosphere. To keep the soil moist, seedlings need to be watered often. Watering established plants should occur every 2-4 days in the summer and every 4-6 days in the spring and autumn.

  • Soil

Greek basil is a plant with deeply established roots that can reach depths of 51 to 102 cm. The ideal culture soil is thus one that is loose, sandy loam, fertile, well-drained, and humus-rich. Potted plants can be planted in garden soil with fully decomposed organic fertilizer at a ratio of 2:1, or in a mixed culture of peat and vermiculite.

  • Temperature

Basil is not the ideal choice for winter growing (unless you keep your house well-heated), as it needs temperatures of 75 degrees F or higher to thrive. Use nutrient-rich, well-drained potting soil, and keep the soil slightly moist but not soggy.

  • Fertilizer

Based on the idea of applying less fertilizer more regularly, Greek basil can grow more robustly when given the right amount of quick-acting fertilizer. If there is not enough fertilizer, Greek basil will grow quickly. One application of organic fertilizer every two weeks is possible throughout the bountiful growing season.


Basil Greek Table

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