Education Moore Exotics


Barred Pencilfish



4 centimeters is the maximum length.

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

The supraoccipital crest is never present, the orbital and opercular bones completely cover the cheek, and the dorsal body scales start above the parietal bones. The frontal bone is also never present. Males have a more pronounced pattern, brighter fin color, and a slimmer physique when they reach sexual maturity. The cautious schooling fish known as the Barred Pencilfish, or Nannostomus espei, doesn’t annoy other fish and can be housed with other subdued species.

Keeping as Pet

Barred pencilfish

  • Aquarium Size

 Base measurements of at least 30-60 cm are necessary.

  • Maintenance

Ideally, they ought to be kept in a setup that is densely grown, particularly with a dark substrate. Such a display’s fragmented lines of sight enable it to behave naturally while also assisting in lowering skittishness. Floating plants, driftwood branches, and dried leaf litter are all beneficial additions. The latter in particular encourages the creation of microbial colonies while decomposition takes place. These bacteria can provide an important secondary source of food for fry, and it is also believed that the tannins and other compounds generated by decomposing leaves are advantageous. Use moderate filtration; in most circumstances, an air-powered sponge-style unit would be enough. Since this species needs stable water, it should

  • Diet

A zooplankton predator in nature that feeds on microscopic invertebrates.

  • Water Parameters

It’s crucial to maintain the pH of the water in the breeding tank at around 2Gh. There are additional requirements, such as the availability of water. 22 to 28 degrees Celsius, a pH range of 4.0 to 6.5, and a hardness range of 18 to 90 ppm are the required conditions.


barred pencilfish table

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