Education Moore Exotics


Bark Anole

Bark Anole lizard


Scientific name: Anolis distichus 

Life span: Up to 5 years

The medium-sized bark anole, Anolis distichus, can range in body color from gray to brown to green, depending on the population. With yellow banding on their tails, they have a brown-gray mottled skin that gives them their name and allows them to blend in with the tree bark in their natural habitat.

Native Region/Habitat

They originated in the Caribbean Islands, have a sizable population in Florida, and are well-liked in the pet industry.

Bark Anole


They spend their time hanging to tree trunks and big branches, and this photo demonstrates that they have developed an effective camouflage for this way of life. These are quite swift tiny lizards and can scurry around thick tree trunks before you have a chance to get a good look at them.

Bark anoles frequently shimmy to the opposite side of the trunk when approached, a behavior known as “squirrelling,” in contrast to other ecomorphs that escape up trees or dash to the ground. 

Care As a pet/In captivity:

One of the tiniest Anoles maintained as pets, Bark Anoles never grow longer than 5 inches. Despite the fact that bark anoles will consume almost any prey that fits in their mouth, small arthropods like crickets, beetles, and even bees make up the majority of their diet. Ants are a favourite food of the bark anoles.   


bark anole table

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