Education Moore Exotics


Banded Green Chromide

Banded Green Chromide fish


9.8 – 13.8 inches

Physical characteristics and behavior

The fish has a pointed snout and an oval body. Olive green to greenish brown are the predominant colors. On the torso, six or eight transverse bars are often difficult to see. Each scale has a golden dot, and the fins are the same color as the fish’s body. Anal fins may have blue iridescence. At spawning times, all the colors are intensified, making the normally unremarkable coloration stand out more vividly.

Keeping as Pet

Banded Green Chromide

  • Habitat

Their habitat’s water is between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius, 7.0 and 8.5 on the pH scale, and 179 and 357 ppm on the hardness scale.

  • Fish Tank

For fish under eight inches, a 45-55 gallon (170-209 L) or 40-inch (101 cm) aquarium is adequate “(20 centimeters) long. Adult fish require a minimum 56-gallon tank “75 gallons (285 L) or (142 cm) to thrive. Use coral sand or, less ideal, fine gravel as a substrate. Despite the fact that this species is known to consume plants, the tank can be well-planted with big, sturdy plants. Large caves and wood can be used to create hiding places and retreats. Skip the public swimming areas.

  • Water Parameters

A sea salt addition of 1% to 5% is required. For advice on how to achieve this dilution rate, see E. maculatus.

  • Behavior With Tank mates

A shoaling fish that needs to be kept in groups of at least six other fish due to its social tendencies. Smaller schools are more likely to experience fights. In comparison to freshwater tanks, this fish may do better in community saltwater aquariums. This fish can be housed with E. maculatus and other brackish water species. Monogamous alliances and later nuclear families are formed by pairs.

Monos, Archerfish, Scats, Anableps, Rainbowfish, and Gobies are suggested diving partners.

  • Food

Food items include live Tubifex, crustaceans, insects, chopped meat, oats, pellets, big flakes, and vegetables including spinach, peas, and lettuce.


banded green chromide table

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