Education Moore Exotics


Ball Python



Scientific name:   Python regius

Life span: 10-15 years

The ball python has light brown markings on its back and sides and is either black, albino, or a dark brown color. Its white or cream tummy has black spots all over it. It has smooth scales, a tiny head, and is a stocky snake. It reaches a maximum mature length of 182 cm (6 ft 0 in).


Native Region/Habitat

Ball Pythons are found in Sub-Saharan Africa from the Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire, and Ghana coasts on the west through Chad, Sudan, Cameroon, and Uganda up to the Nile River, which serves as the species’ geographic boundary.


When alarmed, a shy species will curl up about its head and form a ball Nocturnal. Uses heat pits in the upper jaw to help him hunt at night. Occupies underground tunnels in the wild to rest during the day. Needs one or more “hide boxes” in captivity or risk becoming stressed. can be picky eaters who periodically skip meals for several months. If there is a large loss of weight, even if it is normal, it has to be looked into.

Care As a pet/In captivity:

Among the most common snakes kept as pets are ball pythons. Due to their docility and ease of maintenance, they make wonderful first snakes. A ball python can live in simple or sophisticated housing. The most crucial thing is that you abide by various guidelines and frequently check on your pet to make sure it appears to be in good health.

Every six to twelve months, a full physical examination

If you have any queries or worries regarding the health of your snake, go to a veterinarian who has experience treating reptiles.

Annual parasite screening of the faces (especially if feeding live prey)

An experienced, exotic veterinarian is most suited to handle tick and mite treatments.


ball python table

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