Education Moore Exotics



Awassi v


60 – 100 kg.


Brown ears, legs, and neck with a white and brown head.

Physical Appearance

An enormous breed of sheep with fat tails, big pendulous ears, a Roman nose, double coats, and horned rams. Roman nose, long neck, and drooping ears (most prominent in rams). head with a convex contour that is long and thin.


Characteristics and Genetics

The Awassi sheep breed is the most prevalent and common in southwest Asia. It is the most prevalent variety in Iraq, the most significant breed of sheep in the Syrian Arab Republic, and the only native sheep breed in Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon. It is raised in arid settings in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s north. Sheep from the Awassi tribe are well suited to hot, dry subtropical settings. These sheep are capable of covering long distances while looking for food and water since they are good walkers. From its original home in the eastern Mediterranean, Awassi sheep have been exported to more than 30 nations on every continent.


Sheep from the Awassi people are versatile creatures. They are employed in the production of milk, meat, and wool.


  • According to meat qualities, high yielding carcasses often reach 50% yield.
  • Low melting points of fat are excellent signs of a meal’s nutritional value.
  • Rapid growth Rams are proven to be great breeders, producing prime lambs with extra weight and an early finish when crossed with non-fleece or fleeced breeds.
  • Easy to maintain


Awassi table

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