Education Moore Exotics


Australian Zebra Finch

Australian zebra finch.


Life span: 5-12 years

Small finches include the zebra finch. It gets its name from the black-and-white banded tail and zebra-like markings on the neck, breast, and especially the tail. When it reaches maturity, the normal colored male, which is the color that most frequently appears, is gray with a black teardrop at its eye, dazzling red rouge spots on its cheeks, and a bright red beak. The female’s beak is more subdued in color and has a softer orange hue.

Young birds lack the distinctive black and white markings on the head but have feathers that mimic those of females. They have black beaks and gray-brown eyes. 

Habitat/Native Region

One of the species with the greatest geographic distribution in Central Australia is the Australian zebra finch. It can be found on most of the continent, with the exception of a few areas in the tropical far north and the frigid, humid south. Portugal and Puerto Rico have both been introduced to it..

As Pet

Australian zebra finch


Finches should be kept in pairs because they are social birds. People might want to consider keeping only females since it’s common for male and female pairs to reproduce. It is advisable to keep them in pairs or groups larger than six. If a person has more than two birds, a larger cage, such as an aviary or flight cage, is needed.

Zebra finches are amiable birds, but they don’t develop close bonds with people. They may become docile but do not want to be handled. With a lot of practice, a person might be able to obtain it.


When keeping zebra finches, the length of the cage—rather than its height—is more important since they require room to fly horizontally. It is advised to purchase the largest cage person can. Finches can withstand a wide range of temperatures, but keep them away from heater or air conditioner vents, hot sun, and places with inadequate ventilation. Zebra finches should always have access to clean, fresh water. Zebra finches eat a mix of tiny birdseed as their main source of nutrition. This should incorporate numerous varieties of millet, canary seeds, and other seeds. Zebra finches must always have access to food.


Australian Zebra Finch table

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