Education Moore Exotics




Between 2 and 8 cm (0.8–3.1 in)

Physical Characteristics

Aquarists were first drawn in by Apistogramma’s look. These freshwater fish are among the most vivid ones available. Bright hues of red, blue, and yellow are extremely prevalent among Apistos. Every Apistogramma has a different color pattern, but that is what makes having one so much fun! To design a unique aquarium, you can select fish with wildly varying appearances.

Apistogramma have sexually distinct genders. It follows that there are obvious distinctions between males and females. Compared to men, women often have a lesser stature. Also, they have more muted color patterns. Men have the most gorgeous hues, by far. Although women tend to be less interesting, this might alter depending on how they act. During the breeding season, females frequently become more bright.


Apistogramma, or Apistos as they are lovingly known, have a temperament that leans towards the aggressive. The curiosity of these species is among the first characteristics you’ll notice about them. They are quite lively and will approach the tank walls as you peer inside.


Only the lowlands east of the Andes in tropical and subtropical South America are home to Apistogramma.

Keeping as Pet


  • Tank Size

You don’t need a big tank to keep Apistogramma happy because of their modest size. A decent school of fish typically only requires 20 gallons of space. Even small groups in a 10-gallon tank have been successful for some breeders, but we’re not huge fans of that.

In fact, we advise choosing a tank that is closer to 30 gallons in size. Even if they create wonderful nano fish, extra room is always welcome. Yet, there must be a balance between giving these fish enough room and not giving them enough.

Every fish should have plenty of room to call their own. Have in mind that they can be somewhat possessive. Choose a suitable tank size based on your needs and how many fish you intend to keep.

  • Water Parameters

It’s best to replicate the water features in their habitat. The water is warmer in the Amazon basin. Also, the pH balance of the streams and tributaries where these fish reside is largely neutral. It’s crucial to cycle your tank before adding the fish, as always. You can’t just throw these kinds of fish into ordinary tap water.

The pH balance needs to be adjusted, and levels need to be regularly monitored. To avoid organic debris adding too much ammonia to the mix, we also advise replacing about a third of the tank’s contents each week.

72 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit for the water

pH ranges from 6.0 to 7.0

2 to 15 dKH of water hardness, depending on the species

  • Feeding

They will consume plants, but they often favour protein. They don’t really have many opportunities to eat meat in the wild, though, due to their small size. Their meals often consist only of bug larvae, tiny invertebrates, fish fry, and worms.

By giving your fish brine shrimp and worms, you may imitate that diet. In order to guarantee that their diet is well-balanced, we also advise utilizing dry pellets. Continue using sinking pellets that are nutrient-rich. Keeping your fish well-fed can also aid in reducing aggression.

  • Tank mates

Some of our favourite Apistogramma tank companions are listed below:

  • Fish of the same species
  • Pencilfish
  • Neon Tetras
  • Various Type Of Rasboras (the Galaxy Rasbora is our favorite)
  • Cardinal Tetras
  • Pygmy Corydoras
  • Bristlenose Plecos (situational)
  • Otocinclus Catfish


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