Education Moore Exotics


Anthurium Red Crystallinum

Anthurium red crystallinum

Anthurium Crystallinum, a tropical plant, needs a lot of sunshine to survive. However, direct sunlight should be avoided as it can damage the vegetation.

It will probably grow very slowly if you continue to try to grow it outside if you live in a really cold climate, thus I advise growing it indoors under grow lights.

To blossom properly, Anthurium Crystallinum has to be exposed to sunshine for at least 15 to 16 hours each day.

Anthurium red crystallinum


Anywhere from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, or 19 to 26 degrees Celsius, is ideal for consistent, balanced development.

You should always keep it inside during the winter because your plant will freeze if the temperature falls below these ranges. Additionally, it will eventually stop growing, destroying the plant.


For Anthurium Crystallinum, the ideal humidity ranges from 70 to 80%, so make sure your garden, whether it’s indoors or out, can offer your plant a consistent humidity level.

However, you must use Anthurium with extreme caution because giving too much water can be just as harmful as being dehydrated.

Anthurium roots require a sufficient amount of air to successfully dry out. A plant will die if its roots are overwatered since they can quickly rot.

It is advised to water the plant two or three times per week during the summer. Your Anthurium only has to be watered once every ten days or every two weeks throughout the winter.


Since your Anthurium Crystallinum will only consume a small amount of fertilizer, choose a slow-release liquid orchid fertilizer that has been diluted by half. During the growing season, fertilizing once every six to eight weeks is sufficient. For optimal results, avoid fertilizing your plant in the winter and fall.


Anthurium red crystallinum table

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