Education Moore Exotics


Anthurium blue

Anthurium blue.

In order to color Anthurium flowers blue, a European business created a patented procedure in 2011 of injecting blue dye into the roots as the flower buds are growing. It’s a difficult procedure, but the results are fantastic. Princess Alexia Blue is a blue anthurium from the Dutch business Rijnplant. They also offer a yellow one called Princess Alexia Yellow. “The plant is as natural as possible; the color is absorbed by the leaves via root pressure.”

Anthurium blue

Care tips:

  • Like to be warm, with a minimum temperature of 60°F in winter.
  • Easily propagated by plant division.
  • Bright light but no direct sun.
  • Yellow leaves indicate over watering – Brown leaf tips indicate too little water.
  • High humidity.


Throughout the growing seasons, phosphorus-rich fertilizer should be gently fed to plants on a regular basis to promote growth and color.


Anthurium blue table

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