Education Moore Exotics





A silicate mineral, andesine belongs to the category of plagioclase feldspars. Andesine comes in a range of hues, including orange, yellow, champagne, green, and reddish-red. It frequently exhibits shades of green and a slight metallic shimmer, also known as labradorescence. Its hues range greatly, from white to gray to green, yellow, red, and sometimes even blue or purple. Typically, the andesine streak is white.

Geographical Distribution

The distribution of andesine is worldwide, with high concentrations in nations experiencing substantial plutonic and volcanic activity. Several of the well-known places are Japan, different areas of Europe and Africa, the Cascade Mountain Range in North America, and portions of the Andes mountain range in South America.


The first record of andesine dates back to 1841, and it was found at the Marmato mine in the Cauca, Chocó Department, Colombia. Because of its abundance in the andesite lavas found in those mountains, the name is derived from the Andes. ‘Andesine’ was the name given to the marketing of red and green gemstones in the early 2000s.

Metaphysical Properties

Andesine, which is connected to the heart chakra, is used to clear one’s thoughts and eliminate negativity. Andesine is also a grounding stone that can reduce tension, according to metaphysical beliefs. 


Chemical Composition

(Ca, Na)(Al, Si)4O8 is its chemical formula, where Ca/(Ca + Na) (% anorthite) ranges from 30% to 50%. Its composition is shown by the chemical formula, which comprises silicon, calcium, aluminum, oxygen, and sodium. It is well-known for having a composition that is halfway between albite and anorthite.


  • Despite not being as well-known or useful as some other minerals or gemstones, andesine has a niche in both industrial and gemstone applications due to its distinct qualities and look. 
  • Its crucial function in the manufacturing of glass and ceramics highlights the significance of feldspar minerals in everyday industrial processes.


Andesine Table

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