Education Moore Exotics


Ancona Chicken

ancona chicken

The Ancona chicken breed originated in the Italian Marches region but was mostly developed in the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century. It has the name of Ancona, the Marche region’s capital.


Chickens from Ancona have distinctive coloring. They have black feathers with white tips and white spots on them. They have white earlobes, reddish-orange eyes, and yellow legs and beaks. The two comb types on these hens are single comb and rose comb. The rose comb Anconas can withstand cold well, but the single comb Anconas can withstand heat well. Bantam versions of the Ancona chicken are also available.

As Pets

The Italian background of the Ancona makes them adaptable to a wide range of climates as pets. They are resilient and can withstand both the chilly winters and the sweltering summers.

In snowy locations, their comb is less resilient and more prone to frostbite, but it should be good in Australian temperatures.

  • Housing

Building a good, cozy, and secure housing system for your birds is crucial when starting a duck farming business in Ancona. A nice housing helps the ducks stay safe from predators and bad weather, as well as maintaining their health. So make an effort to build your ducks a quality home.

Create the home in a way that makes it simple for you to clean it. Install a reliable ventilation system and make sure there is enough air and light flowing within the home.

Deep litter systems are thought to be beneficial for the Ancona duck farming industry. A mature Ancona duck will need about 4 square feet of housing space because they are a small to medium-sized breed. Ample nesting boxes should be kept within the home.

  • Diet and Nutrition

These birds do enjoy savoring delectable table scraps, devouring the majority of leftover vegetables or fruits. Starting at 8 weeks old and older, they should begin their morning feeding with their regular food, such as chicken pellets, grains, chicken mash, or grain mix. When chickens are younger than eight weeks old, Chick Starter is always the best option.

  • Grooming

Always inspect your women (and men) for parasites such as mites, lice, and other nasties. At least once a week should be set aside for this. Every household animal needs to be regularly de-wormed, especially if it will be around children. They’ll take off as soon as their wing has grown back if you have their wings cut, so make sure to do this after each molt. These chickens enjoy flying and exploring the area beyond the fence.

They certainly enjoy primping and preening, so a lovely dust bath or two set up around the lawn are sure to make them happy for hours.

  • Temperament

Despite having a kind disposition, anconas don’t especially relish socializing with people. Unless you are about to give them food, they will typically ignore you. It will be easier for your Anconas to get acclimated to you and like being around people if you handle them frequently as puppies.

In general, bantam chickens are less flier than regular ones. Anconas are a loud breed and are therefore better suited to large yards away from your neighbours.


ancona chicken table

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