Education Moore Exotics





Amethyst and citrine combine to create the rare gemstone known as ametrine. It’s a type of quartz that has distinct orange, yellow, and purple zones that give it a bicolored or tricolored appearance.

Geographical Distribution

The Anahi Mine located in Bolivia is the most prominent and well-known source of ametrine.


When a conquistador married a princess from the native Ayoreos tribe in Bolivia, he received a mine as his wedding present. It was through these presents that Ametrine was first brought to Europe in the 1600s.

Metaphysical Properties

Ametrine is said to have specific spiritual advantages and is occasionally connected to metaphysical qualities. It is believed to blend the energizing and abundance-attracting attributes of citrine with the relaxing and spiritual aspects of amethyst. As a result, ametrine is used by some for spiritual healing, meditation, energy balancing, and personal development.


Chemical Composition

Quartz, a kind of silicon dioxide, makes up the majority of the makeup of ametrine (SiO2). One silicon atom is joined to two oxygen atoms to form the chemical formula SiO2, which makes quartz one of the most common minerals in the crust of the Earth.


Ametrine offers a variety of uses and applications due to its distinctive dual-color combination and attractive appearance. These are a few typical applications for ametrine:

  • Jewelry: Ametrine is frequently polished and cut into faceted gemstones that are used in a variety of jewelry designs. It’s widely used to make striking necklaces, bracelets, earrings, pendants, and rings. For individuals searching for one-of-a-kind and strikingly beautiful jewelry creations, this gemstone is highly sought after due to its vivid colors and distinctive zoning patterns.
  • Ornamental items: Ametrine is a popular choice for ornamental things due to its beauty and color diversity. It can be added to ornamental objects including sculptures, figurines, artwork, and accent pieces for the home. Any room can benefit from Ametrine’s captivating purple and yellow/orange color combination, which exudes elegance and charm.
  • Investing and Collecting: Ametrine is a rare and distinctive gemstone that is highly sought for by gem aficionados and collectors. Ametrine is prized by gemstone collectors for its inherent beauty, dual-color zoning, and difficulty in locating excellent examples. Ametrine is also seen by some as an investment, with the expectation that its value will increase with time.


Ametrine Table

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