Education Moore Exotics


American Cockroach

American Cockroach

The largest species of common cockroaches is the american cockroach (Periplaneta americana), which is frequently seen as an annoyance. It goes by the names Bombay canary, kakerlac, and ship cockroach. It is frequently mistaken for a palmetto bug.

American cockroaches are actually native to Africa and the Middle East, despite their name. As a result of human commercial activities, such as the Atlantic slave trade, they are thought to have just been brought to the Americas starting in the 17th century AD.

Keeping as Pet

This list includes this widespread species because it settles in our homes, which are places we don’t want it. Despite the name, it is an African native, and human activity has spread it all over the world.


Requirements to Keep as Pet

  • Care 

As far as cockroaches go, the American cockroach is almost unbeatable. It is pesticide and disease resistant, can go for extended periods of time without eating, and can happily exist on an astoundingly wide array of foods. Its ability to colonize different continents and continue to be a problem is due to this. The biggest worry when raising this species is probably keeping it in the enclosure, as escapees can frequently survive and even reproduce inside and around the house.

  • Enclosure

A terrarium or a tupperware container are both suitable enclosures for keeping American cockroaches. However, it is crucial that the roaches can’t get away. They are difficult to contain since they can fly and climb very well. American roach colonies should be kept in airtight containers with mesh covering any air openings. By applying petroleum jelly on the inner lip of the container, it can create an additional layer of security and prevent any potential escapees.

  • Feeding

It’s well-known that the American Cockroach will consume nearly anything. This insect can survive on fruit, paper, and other materials. May provide American cockroaches with a basic diet of oats supplemented with fruit and vegetable scraps while keeping them in captivity. Along with potatoes and sweet potatoes, they will consume fish food, dog food, and fowl mash. Eliminate rotten food to avoid disease and unpleasant odors.

  • Humidity

Although they prefer higher humidity levels, American cockroaches are not finicky about humidity. Should maintain a humidity level between 40 and 70% to facilitate proper molting.

  • Temperature 

The American cockroach thrives in warm surroundings and does well at room temperature. To avoid die-off, do not expose American cockroach colonies to temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. A heat mat or light can be used to add extra heat.

  • Breeding

The American cockroach will mate freely and doesn’t require any encouragement to reproduce. The American cockroach will produce an ootheca, which will hold about 16 eggs, like other cockroaches do. One American cockroach female can produce up to 90 ootheca in her lifetime, so be sure to have a strategy for getting rid of any extra children, such as maintaining a larger insectivorous animal to eat them.


american coackroach table

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