Education Moore Exotics


Amazon Weasel



Scientific Name: Mustela africana

The tropical weasel or Amazon weasel (Mustela africana) is a species of weasel that is indigenous to South America.

They have a weasel-like body shape, with tiny legs and ears and a long, slender torso. They have short fur that is light orange-tan on the underparts and reddish to dark brown on the top body. The centre of the chest and throat are bordered by a stripe of fur that is the same shade as that on the upper body. The soles of the feet are nearly hairless and the whiskers are short.


It is known that Amazon weasels live in the Amazon basin in northern Brazil, eastern Peru, and Ecuador. Although their exact range is unclear, they most likely also live in northern Bolivia, southern Colombia, Venezuela, and the Guyanas. Tropical rainforest covers the area, and although the weasel’s precise ecological preferences are unknown, it has primarily been seen around rivers.



There is no information on the behavior of Amazon weasels because they are difficult to locate and watch. Other weasels, like least weasels, stand on their hind legs when feeding, enabling them to see their surroundings. In order to confuse their prey and prevent them from anticipating an assault, weasels are also known to dance.


They have been known for digging burrows in hollow tree stumps and they eat rodents and other small mammals.



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