Education Moore Exotics


Aglaonema ‘Red Gold’


The Chinese evergreen hybrid known as “Red Gold” has glossy, green foliage with red edges and red and yellow streaks. When fully grown, plants can grow up to 3′ tall and have an equal spread.

Depending on cultural factors, typical arum-type inflorescences with a pale pink to white spathe encircling a white spadix are produced sporadically to infrequently.



Your Aglaonema loves strong indirect light. Although it can adjust to low light, its growth will be noticeably slower. For this plant, direct morning sunshine is OK, but avoid direct afternoon sunlight because it can burn the leaves. Use a grow light if your Aglaonema isn’t in the best environment. Put your Aglaonema in a brighter spot with indirect light if you notice the pink colouring fading on the plant.


When 50% of the soil volume is dry, water your Aglaonema. Fill the pot with water until it drains through the drainage hole at the bottom, then drain any excess water into the saucer.


Extra humidity is enjoyable to your Aglaonema. To increase humidity, use a pebble tray, a humidifier placed nearby, or a Mister to frequently mist the plants.


The ideal temperature range for your Aglaonema is 65–75 °F. In the winter, stay away from draughty regions and temperatures below 60°F.


During the spring and summer, fertilize your Aglaonema once a month with a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer that has been diluted to half strength, like our All Purpose Fertilizer (20-20-20). When development naturally slows in the winter, fertilizer is not required.


aglaonema-red-gold table

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