Education Moore Exotics


African Servals



Scientific name:   Leptailurus serva

Life span: Up to 23 years

African Servals are attractive, medium-sized cats. They resemble Caracals in size and have slender and long bodies. Serval is distinguished by a small head, big ears, black spots and stripes, and a short tail with a black tip. Servals have long legs and short tails. They have comparatively longer legs than bodies. The fur or coat is pale yellow and has variable patterns. Sometimes these patterns turn into long black strips that are mostly present on the neck and back. They have a spotted belly region but mostly it is pale in color. Servals have black rings on the tail and the tip is also black. They have large round ears that can help them to find their prey in the long grass. They have sharp vision and a good sense of smell. 

Native Region/Habitat

African Servals are endemic to Northern and Southern Africa. They inhabit savannahs, wetlands, oak forests, bamboo, grasslands, and moorlands.

As Pet

African Servals


Serval cats are highly playful and hyperactive. They may be fairly noisy and are also highly curious. Serval cats are excellent companions for individuals searching for fun, energetic, and inquisitive cats. Serval cats are rarely kept as pets since they are naturally quite timid. A Serval cat can be the ideal pet for you if you’re seeking a unique animal that will attract attention. Serval cats are often not ideal for tiny houses or flats since they need a lot of room. They also need attention and care. They are not a good pet for busy people or those with young children should avoid them. 

Serval cats require a lot of areas to wander since they are quite active. Serval cats have sharp claws and fangs, and they may be highly aggressive. Having a Serval cat as a pet has a few drawbacks. Serval cats will need a particular type of food.


African servals are extremely independent which makes them easy to handle. They do not need high-level maintenance.  They are less demanding of care than other pets. They normally do not need as much grooming as other cats and are also highly clean. In captivity the only important thing they need is food. They can also die because of malnutrition.       


African servals table


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