Education Moore Exotics


African Dormouse

african dormouse

Expected Life Expectancy: 4 to 6 years

The African dormouse, also referred to as a micro squirrel, is a tiny rodent with features of both a mouse and a very small squirrel. These rodents are endemic to the subtropical and tropical regions of eastern and southern Africa, and the exotic pet trade hardly ever sees them. Due to their high level of activity, dormice can be difficult to manage. They need a sizable enclosure for exercise, as well as a variety of food. They often require a knowledgeable and devoted owner because they are difficult to care for.

As Pet/ In Captivity


 Temperament and behavior

African dormice are friendly creatures that should be housed in pairs or they stay in groups. Territorial aggression does occur occasionally, if they all are grown up together from an early age then the dormice will survive quietly. The time period in which they are most active, early morning and late evening. Dormice are normally quiet animals, but when threatened, they will generate vocal sounds that include a harsh barking noise.

They are shy as pets, and some may never become tame or comfortable around people. Regular handling from a young age is the best way to ensure that you get a pet that you can handle.


The best type of home for African dormice is a glass or plastic tank with a tightly fitting fine mesh top because they are excellent escape artists and can fit through small spaces. The smallest size recommended for two dormice is a 10-gallon tank. Because of how active these creatures are, it is important to obtain the largest tank you can manage so they have room to roam and explore.

Eat and drink

Food: In the wild, dormice eat a variety of things, including nuts, seeds, fruits, plants, bird eggs, and insects. Diversity seems to be the key to keeping dormice in captivity. Your dormouse should eat a nut and seed mixture similar to that given to hamsters and other small rodents for the most of the time. Offer daily servings of fresh fruits like apple, banana, and tomato slices to go along with this. Hard-boiled eggs, feeder insects (such mealworms and crickets), and cooked chicken are all good sources of protein.

Water: Make sure your animal’s enclosure always has a freshwater source, and change it out every day. Since a rat water bottle affixed to the side of the enclosure is simpler to keep clean than a water dish, teach your dormouse to drink from it. You can remove water once you’re sure the water has been consumed.


Expect to pay between $100 to $300 on average.

Because these animals are more active in the morning and evening, plan your visit around those times. Look for an attentive dormouse with bright eyes and shining, clean fur.


african dormouse table

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