Education Moore Exotics


Adonis Tetra



One of the smallest kinds of tetra, Adonis Tetras grow to a maximum length of only about an inch.

Physical Appearance

Adonis Tetras are a preferred option for aquarium hobbyists due to their distinctive patterning. These little fish have a slim body form and normally grow to a length of only around an inch. Adonis Tetras has the following important physical characteristics:

Coloration: Bright red in colour, Adonis Tetras have small red spots in the front of their bodies that progressively grow into larger red splotches in the back. They feature an iridescent appearance due to the pearlescent quality of their scales.

Fins: The dorsal fin of this fish is triangular in shape, while the tail fin is forked. The anal and pelvic fins, which are both present and useful for identifying males from females since the males’ are longer and the females’ are shorter and rounder, are also present.

Shape: The sleek and slender body form of adonis tetras enables them to move swiftly through the water. They have a curving body that tapers towards the tail and a head that is slightly pointed.


The Adonis Tetra is a native of West Africa, notably Sierra Leone, Ghana, and the Ivory Coast. They love clean, well-oxygenated waters and can be found in slow-moving rivers and streams with stony or sandy bottoms. As they are generally found in locations with overhead foliage that filters the sunlight, they prefer shady and dimly lit situations.

Keeping as Pet


Tank Size

Small fish like adonis tetras can be housed in tanks that aren’t too big, but it’s crucial to give them enough room to swim. It is advised to keep a small group of Adonis Tetras in a tank that is at least 10 gallons in size.


Soft, dark-colored substrate is preferred for adonis tetras. Sand or fine gravel is a good choice for the substrate because it closely resembles the fish’s natural habitat and lets them forage for food.


A heater could be required to keep a constant temperature in the tank because Adonis Tetras prefer a temperature range of 74-78°F (23-26°C).

Parameters for water

Although Adonis Tetras are robust fish that can survive in a variety of water conditions, it’s crucial to maintain stable and suitable water conditions in order to keep them happy and healthy. For Adonis Tetras, the following water characteristics are advised:

Temperature: 74-78°F (23-26°C).

pH: 6.0-7.5.

Hardness: 5-15 dGH.

Ammonia and Nitrite: at or near zero

Nitrate: below 20 ppm (parts per million).

The chemicals chlorine and chloramine are frequently found in tap water. Before adding water to the aquarium, it’s crucial to neutralize these toxins with a dechlorinator.

Food and Feeding

As omnivores, adonis tetras will consume a range of foods in their aquarium home. A balanced and interesting diet is necessary to keep them healthy and content. For Adonis Tetras, the following foods and feeding advice are suggested:

Flakes and Pellets: Adonis Tetras thrive on high-quality pellet and flake foods as a primary diet. Find foods that are designed especially for tetras that have a combination of protein and plant-based nutrients. In order to minimize overfeeding and waste buildup, it’s crucial to feed the fish only as much as they can absorb in a short period of time.

Live and Frozen Food: Adonis Tetras also eat brine prawns, bloodworms and daphnia, among other live and frozen meals. These foods can boost natural feeding habits and offer additional nourishment. To limit the spread of viruses or parasites, it’s crucial to refrain from feeding live items from shady sources.

Vegetables: Adonis Tetras will also graze on cucumber, zucchini, and blanched spinach. These meals can offer important vitamins and minerals while assisting in the prevention of constipation.

Feeding Schedule: Instead of a single huge feeding, Adonis Tetras should receive smaller meals several times throughout the day. By doing this, you may avoid overfeeding the fish and make sure they eat a healthy diet.


adonis-tetra table

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