Education Moore Exotics




Physical Properties

One kind of single-shelled, herbivorous sea mollusc (gastropod) is the abalone. Their big, fleshy body is paired with a muscular, broad foot that it uses to suction itself to rocks or reefs. Abalone species are shielded from wave movement by their rough, flat, and ear-shaped shells.

Geographical Distribution

Small specimens of abalone are usually found in the tropics and the cold zones, whilst large examples are primarily found in the temperate zone. Ten species, mostly found in Korea, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, Southern Australia, New Zealand, the United States of America, and China, are valued commercially.


About 12,000 years ago, Native Americans left behind the first middens, or mounds of abalone shells, indicating that they were the first people to exploit abalone. Abalone was treasured and used by numerous Native American tribes, such as the Chumash, Valley Yahi, Hupa, Yokuts, Ohlone, and Wiyot tribes.

Metaphysical Properties

According to those who believe in the metaphysical qualities of minerals and gemstones, abalone promotes emotional equilibrium, calmness, mental clarity, intuition, creativity, compassion, and love. Physically, it is associated with healing joint pain, muscle problems, digestion, and arthritis.



In addition to having a fantastic and unique combination of essential vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, and beta carotene, abalone also has a very high protein content and nearly no cholesterol.


  • Raw, dry, or cooked, oysters are frequently eaten in soups, stir-fries, and sushi, among other recipes. Traditional Medicine: Due to its supposed health benefits, powdered abalone shell has been employed in several traditional Chinese medical procedures. 
  • It is thought to have qualities that support the vitality and health of the skin.
  • For centuries, individuals have been collecting abalone from all over the world to use as food and decoration. 
  • Button, buckle, and inlay have all been made from abalone shells and related components, such as their nacre and claw-like pearls.


Abalone Table

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