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Sea Anemone

Sea Anemones

The brightly pigment sea anemone is named after the brightly color anemone terrestrial flower. Anemones belong to a class of organisms closely related to coral and jellyfish, and are basically stinging polyps that dwell on the rocks at the bottom of the sea, or on coral reefs and live passive lives waiting to extend their venom-filled tentacles and catch unsuspecting fish that come within their range.


There are more than a thousand different species of sea anemone distributed across different regions of the world’s oceans at different depths, with the largest and greatest variety being in tropical coastal regions. They come in all the shades and sizes you can imagine – half an inch in diameter to as wide as 6 feet.

Habitat and Distribution

They are always immersed in a highly bottom –dwelling lifestyle and are rooted in various water regions that include seas and oceans. There also exist some other species of anemones which are more or less predominantly pelagic in their distribution. This means they are always in the water or literately always swimming in the sea. Furthermore, there are some species of which the members have burrows in certain types of sediments. These species of anemones have a specific type of mud-bottom bulb to allow them to ‘stake’ themselves to the bottom of the sea. There is another species of sea anemone family and which is called as the Giant Green Sea Anemone and it prefers living in the very same intertidal zone. This organism can therefore spend a portion of its day in exposure at the tide line. This is when it is most vulnerable to drying out or in other words at its most vulnerable state to arbitration. But unlike this particular type of wildlife, there are others that prefer to relocate to the base of such water sources. Most of the Sea Anemones are located approximately several hundred feet underwater.

 Interesting Information

 Sea anemone has got its bodies constituted with a pedal disc which serves as an adhesive. The body of their is camindrical and they possess some very inherent number of pits of tentacles around the main mouth they have got. Here, we are going to give you some more information that you would possibly want to know about the sea anemone. For instance, the sea anemone refers to Actiniaria. Physical Characteristics As for the colors, the brighter anemones are those species which are found in the warm water conditions. Towards these habitats, these anemones generally prefer to exist. There is another rather interesting fact that you may wish to know and that is that anemones have been found to be of different colors, which range from that of the rainbow. There are colors that fluoresce and so much more than one can see. Brown color of the anemones is found most often and is present in more anemone variants than any other color, apart from the grey one.


What one needs to understand about sea anemones is that they hardly move from the particular spot they have chosen to occupy. But then there are those species of sea anemones that tend to shift from one location to another quite frequently. There are others that move at the interface of the seawater with the aid of the feet that have suction features. Which is not to mention the fact that there are other kinds of anemones which prefer to roll over and pitch across the sea floor. While others get attached to one surface they more often than not, release and swim or float above the different surfaces.

Sea Anemone


It is a quite valuable article of knowledge that anemones are mostly predatory in their tendencies. This means that they have a tendency of employing sect that is located in the tentacles, and that is capable of stinging. These positions of these cells are primarily to catch the prey and subsequently paralyze them. Usually, there are threads that originate from the tentacles and which also have the ability to immobilize the prey. This is true owing to the presence of several toxins in those filaments. This is then transferred to the oral cavity of the anemone to round of digestion to round off.


Sea Anemone Table

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